Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I voted this morning

It took quite a while to vote, a little over an hour. Voting in San Francisco is always kinda funny- there was about a whole alphabet of items to vote for, 22, all the way up to the letter V. Most of them serious but often times there are joke items like naming the sewage plant after George W. Bush.
My waiting experience was nothing like what my sister Camille experienced in New Orleans. She voted early on a weekend, and it took 4.5 hours of waiting. The mayor was asking people why they were voting early, and she said most of them wanted to make sure that their vote counted.
What an exciting day!!! I hope Obama wins. I wore my Obama shirt under another shirt today for good luck. No on discrimination, oh I mean prop 8, no on 4, and no on naming the sewage plant in San Francisco George W Bush! (Albeit funny, it's too negative for my taste.)

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