Thursday, May 29, 2008

Burka porn

Most people probably saw the Duncan Donuts ad of Rachel Ray wearing a scarf. The ad was pulled since people accused the paisley scarf of in fact being a keffieyeh, which is a national symbol of the Palestinian people, and a hot accessory of fashionistas all over who are supposedly political. Apparently Urban Outfitters had to pull the keffieyehs they were selling for similar reasons.
I actually like the way they look; I'd wear one if I could intelligently discuss the whole Palestinian Israeli conflict. But I can't. Which made me think of yamikas. Unfortunately for the Jewish, keffieyehs are just cooler looking and more easily wearable than yamikas.
When I looked up yamikas just now, this totally racist image popped up in the top images and I will post it now here-

Terrible. But anyway I started thinking about other middle eastern fashions that would be cool to appropriate for a future H&M purchase. The only item I know of is the Burka, and that's not too wearable.

So I got quite a surprise when I searched for burkas a la the "goog," and two of the three thumbnail images were burka porn. And let me tell you- HOTT! You go ahead and search, I'm not going to repost here in my PG-13 blog. (Yes racist images are PG-13).

Morals of the story-
Darwinism proven wrong by Republicans. Religious items associated with political hot topics could be sold at Hot Topic. Racist images of Jews are so ridiculous and retarded, they're funny.

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