Last night I watched "The Trip," a movie by Roger Corman about LSD starring Peter Fonda, costarring Dennis Hopper and Bruce Dern (of the HBO series Big Love and a personal favorite, The Burbs). It chronicles Peter Fonda taking acid and Bruce Dern is supposed to lead him through the "trip" but Peter wanders off and has lots of sex with a girl that's both a new love interest and his ex-wife. TRIIPPPYY!!!!
If you read Brucy's IMDB, you will learn the sad story of how he has been underutilized in his acting career. For example. Its been argued (by who I have no idea) he should have played the role of The Great Gatsby rather than Robert Redford. But, sadly, looking at the guy you see why.
Interestingly, his grandfather was a governor of Utah, which makes me think he's from Mormon decent. But that's speculation I have no idea. Bruce Dern's daughter is Laura Dern, of Jurrasic Park and Blue Velvet (with, again, Dennis Hopper). And what else? His god-mother was Eleanor Roosevelt and his son-in-law is Ben Harper. What a weird but awesome family.
This morning I was looking for a picture of McCain and I was struck by how much McCain looks like Bruce Dern in the pictures below. They don't look that much alike otherwise. Maybe you disagree, I dunno, the more I look at it the less I see it but that was my initial reaction.
Bruce Dern
John McCain
The reason I was looking for a picture of John McCain is because of this.
This is the conclusion of your much needed introduction to Bruce Dern. Did you ever think in your wildest dreams you would know so much about the man? You are welcome.
1 comment:
I came across this by accident when looking for past movies with Bruce Dern. I found myself reading to get to the point...which never came. I think your whole tangent about an acid 'trip' is just too close to home. Get off it and get back to reality.
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