She taught me the word "beauf" which means dumbass or douche bag. It's for anyone that isn't with it or kind of backward. Her examples- Texas, rednecks or Johnny Halliday, a French singer, which she says is "King of the beauf"-
So we spent an afternoon looking at different people and deciding if they were "beauf." I thought David Hasselhoff, and she agreed.
She taught me the word "branche" (with accent over the e), which I'm a little shaky on, but basically it's like hipsters, but not the followers, the leaders. People who are cool but aren't following trends. She said Daft Punk is an example of that.
Another thing she showed me were tectonic dancers on YouTube. Apparently these guys battle each other. Here's an example-
Go here to see Tectonic dude
We also spent time looking at Sarkozy's wife, Carla Bruni, and checking out her music and lyrics. She has one song that translates to "You are my drug" and the lyrics say "you are more addictive than Columbian coke or Afghan heroin." We concluded she's the hottest President's wife in the world.
Marieme tried Root Beer for the first time, didn't like it. Same with cinnamon gum.
She told me you have to pay to be part of a political party in France. You can vote along party lines, but you must pay 20 Euro per year and then attend a meeting in your city. Also, their conservative party, the UMP, color is blue and the liberal party, the socialist party, is red. CRAZY!
I may learn more, we'll see.
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