Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Life and Times start now

Seeing that it's Wednesday and I'm Ann, I'm right on time posting some pictures from this past weekend's adventures. On Sunday the "spring forward" in time occurred. Thank you Benjamin Franklin for the initial idea, I love the extra daylight (but it actually wastes more energy now that we use air conditioners.)

The pictures are mainly from some Dolores Park action and one is from Korean BBQ.

I hope you enjoy my first sort of "real" blog post. This takes way too much time, so enjoy this until I lose interest in a week or two. And I'll stop being self-referential from now on, starting NOW.

Jared had a piece up at 18th and Guerrero art show- porno mummy, acrylic and ink.

Korean BBQ at Brothers 2 on Geary and 3rd Avenue

Friday, March 7, 2008

Blog about blogs. Skip this one.

Usually they keep me pretty busy like a bitch at my work, but it's been slow today. And my boss hasn't moved from her desk very much so I don't think she's working much either. People don't move and are real quiet when they are surfing the internet.

I've never liked the term "blog." It's rather stupid, really, no way around it. It's like a futurist word- the way "spoon" once was. Terrible. My blog will be a BeLOnG. It will be a warm, fuzzy family place that makes your stomach swirl with happy juices and you can't wait for your next fix!

Soo what should I blog about? Here are some ideas, just throwing them out there-
Strangers on BART.
Racist truisms.
Thoughts of suicide.
"New" green ideas (i can get those off other blogs).
Hopes and dreams for the world.
Foodie thoughts and musings.
New music from other blogs.
repost other blogs here.
reviews of long forgotten movies only available on laser disc.

Denise and I discussed the possibility of rival blogs. We'll pick the same topic, and see who can create a better post. And we'll be passionate sworn enemies Face/Off style. That might still happen.

Well I had some wonderful ideas here, didn't I. But I think I'll just continue to write about the throw-up that seeps out of my brain. And include pictures because they take up a lot of space. Check this one from Hilarious!

Blog is raging success

Killer: hey
your blog is boring
me: hello
Killer: there is onlyo ne entry
me: but isn't that dog cute?
Killer: yeah, where is it from ?
me: some other blog

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Blog of Ann

This is my blog. I am now so hip and tech. I will provide my dear readers with whatever the hell I feel like. It will be pretty terrible, amazing, sardonic, hypnotic, plastic, elastic. To start, I will place an image on this blog. Thank you for reading.